Seems that Firerain (of BloodX) got a wild hair (when doesn't he?) and decided that to stave off his looming boredom we should kill Silex. You read that correctly. Silex. of the Silex fame picture i posted a while back. the first time we were still gathering people to aid in his (or is it a female?) demise, Firebreeder (Steve) decided to "test" the waters. no, i did not get a screenie of that moment, but i am quite sure his hawk will be quite mad at him for quite a while. (yay for pet res scrolls!)
please note that to get to Silex, one must first dispatch the underlings that surround him (or her?)
Game on.
when Silex fears you, you KNOW you are feared. into next week! Same goes for the movement decrease. it's like you have picked up 98% of your total weight you can possibly carry and then you are trying to run through quick sand. fun ^^ what did you do this weekend?